Computer and Electrical Engineer: Who Uses More Math?

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You want to work in computer engineering like a computer or an electrical engineer in the future, but you are not extremely good at math. Is algorithm fundamental in these two professions? 

Who uses more math, an electrical or a computer engineer?

The answer is an electrical engineer!

Why is that? This article will explain in detail. Scroll down!

Who Uses More Math?

Although electrical and software engineers need to use math in their profession, electrical workers seem to use it more. The algorithm is crucial for electrical engineers (EEs) for various reasons.

Natural laws are formulations, such as Kirchhoff’s Rules for circuit analysis or Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetics. Science and physical engineering use arithmetic as their primary language.

The algorithm is something of a tool for problem-solving. Arithmetic classes can help students mature intellectually. 

Engineering learners must master the ability to visualize complicated topics.

Many engineers employ simulation studies on a digital system as a valuable and powerful tool. On the other hand, computers do not render traditional theoretical calculation useless!

Moreover, debugging programs is a complex art. One of the best ways to validate a program is to compare the simulation of simple situations to the analytical solution for the same problem. 

This methodology of validating software requires an understanding of classical algorithm analysis.

As a result, these engineers need to master some calculations like a foundation and a deep knowledge of AC and electromagnetic.

Students from math course

Computer engineers (CEs) must learn a relatively similar material as Electrical Engineers, except for power grids and AC.

Instead, they use sophisticated logic identical to algorithms but take longer to master. Not necessarily more difficult, but certainly highly time-consuming.

CEs appear to involve more calculation at first glance. Still, it is primarily situational and delivered in bursts, except for algebra, which becomes part of the routine after a while.

On the other hand, EEs always need to use calculation. Sure, their tasks don’t always get involved in calculus, but the algorithm is constantly present, and they are required to double, sometimes triple, or even quadruple verify their work.

In conclusion, EEs don’t involve too much-advanced algorithms, but the profession requires frequent use of calculation. While CEs will likely need more advanced arithmetic, the frequency of using it is less. 

How Does a Computer Engineer Use Math?

Computer engineer student

A CE will need calculation in several aspects, although he may not use it very often. In general, he has to apply algorithms in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Automata Theory. 


He must do something with the numerical value from the census after doing it.

He should minimize the volume of procedures to perform this task if he wants the system to yield positive results faster for a wide variety of operations.

If this task won’t take time, he knows algorithms to reduce steps in the process.

Learners can develop efficient stages in programs by understanding the underlying mathematics operations.


Counting is a tiny portion of every task performed by a software program. 

However, if the calculating isn’t done correctly, a program could take days to complete a report that should only last seconds.

Automata Theory

Computer issues go well beyond simple algorithms and counting. Problems with an infinite or finite number of possible outcomes with changing probabilities are studied using automata theory.

How Does an Electrical Engineer Use Math?

Electrical engineering students & teacher

EEs employ practically every theoretical concept and domain. 

They apply algorithms in a wide range of fields, including: 

  • Lagrange’s theorem
  • Calculating resistance, capacitance, inductance
  • Calculating potential, temperature, current, electrical energy, thermal energy
  • Voltage division
  • Current division
  • Calculating magnetic flux, energy, density, force

They also utilize algebra, Matrices, differential equations, Fourier analysis, vectors, probability, Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphson, Control systems, and Z-transform to complete their tasks. 


Do Computer Engineers Use A Lot Of Math?

This job requires math to perform specific tasks, but the usage is not frequent. It may involve advanced algorithms, but not very often. 

Which Has More Math, Computer Science Or Electrical Engineering?

The ultimate answer is electrical engineering. Though this profession does not require complex algorithms, most tasks require calculations.

Which Engineering Uses The Most Mathematics?

Control engineering is perhaps the most mathematically demanding of all engineering fields.

Is Computer Engineering Better Than Electrical Engineering?

It depends on your choice! 

Electrical Engineering provides a strong basis in hardware and all facets of the field. 

Conversely, Computer Engineering grants you more experience in Computer Science and far less expertise in EE. 

In conclusion, both can deal with electronics, especially digital electronics, pretty well.

The Bottom Line

To sum up, an electrical engineer needs to use more math than a computer one. It doesn’t mean a computer engineer doesn’t have to use it to perform tasks. 

If you become a computer engineer, you will have to complete your work with complicated algorithms, although their use is not always. 

Besides, you need to do almost everything using more algorithms as an electrical engineer, but the complexity level is not as hard as CEs. Thanks for reading!