10 Indoor Plants That Absorb Radiation and EMF

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Aside from beautifying your house, plants offer tons of health benefits. Radiation and Electric & magnetic field (EMF) absorption are among the impressive advantages you get from growing houseplants.

However, you can’t expect the same performance from all species. Some outperform others, making them excellent choices for your home.

According to home-based research by NASA, some indoor plants may considerably filter EMF radiation from your electronic equipment, such as phones and computers. Here are the ten plants with the best radiation absorption ability.

1. Cacti Plants

Cactus is among the most popular options

Cactus is a famous desert plant distinguished by its succulent, frequently prickly leaves and stalks. The plant has shown astounding potential in collecting radiation from the surroundings.

According to NASA, cacti are among the best plants for absorbing radioactive particles from electrical gadgets.

In addition to its capacity to minimize the adverse effects of EMF, cactus also have the notable benefit of being relatively simple to grow. The plants naturally flourish in dry environments, which means that they demand little care.

With lots of light and warmth, cacti bloom. However, if you live somewhere cold, you may keep them inside next to a window, and they’ll be OK.

Cacti come in over 2,000 different species. So you can create an actual piece of art and keep your house looking gorgeous and fresh by combining various designs, hues, textures, and sizes.

2. Snake Plant

Snake plant is radiation-blocking

Another radiation-blocking plant you should try at your house and office is the snake plant, also known as Sansevieria.

The plant has incredible beauty. It’s also a popular choice for tree decorations in most workplaces that use computers and other electronic devices.

You can keep your home clean by placing the snake plant close to your laptop or other significant radiation sources. It does a great job of turning carbon dioxide into oxygen, so you’ll enjoy cleaner air and healthier, stronger lungs.

A snake plant doesn’t require regular watering, just like a cactus. To ensure that the soil doesn’t dry out, you must check it every week.

Water your houseplant until it is thoroughly damp. But, never drown the soil, especially during the winter. When watering, be careful not to get the foliage wet since it might cause rotting or other problems.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is good for medicine and radiation absorption

Aloe Vera has a rich history of application in medicine for many ailments. You can also use it to absorb a lot of radiation these days.

The Aloe Vera plant fully purifies your air by capturing carbon dioxide and turning it into oxygen, much like many other beneficial plants.

Since the plant is effective as a burn treatment, every home needs to have at least one potted Aloe Vera in their houses. Its sap can treat skin that has suffered from minor thermal burns.

Aloe Vera needs both regular irrigation and proper drainage. The growth medium must be moist but not deluged with water to promote airflow between the roots.

Indirect light is most favorable for these plants. Thus, try to keep them far from the window so they can receive several hours of shade daily.

4. Rubber Plant

Put the rubber plant next to your electrical gadgets for the best effect

The rubber plant is a big, beautiful plant with many radioprotective characteristics. It assists in absorbing electromagnetic radiation and works best next to your electrical gadgets.

Considering the plant’s size and beauty, you will find this species extremely simple to care for. It has several air-purifying qualities aside from protecting you from EMFs.

The rubber plant requires a soothing environment with soft light and a moderate temperature. If you live in a hot region, keep your beautiful plant in a room with air conditioning and enough sunshine throughout the day.

When your plant is growing, you must maintain moisture by frequently watering it whenever the soil looks dry. And when it’s not growing, you might need to water the plant once or twice a month. This species doesn’t require many nutrients.

5. Areca Palm

Areca Palm is famous for its air-purifying properties

The Areca Palm has earned a name in the horticultural world for its exceptional air-purifying properties. The plant is famous for its cooling abilities as well.

When placed directly in front of the EMF-emitting gadget, without any obstacles in its path, the plant is a robust EMF radiation absorber. It works best in home offices or when dispersed throughout the house and positioned in front of plugs.

Areca Palm performs quite well on the aesthetics scale too. The plants are also relatively low-maintenance houseplants, generating a substantial amount of water vapor.

Although it is not as resistant as some of the other radiation-absorbing plants we’ve suggested, you will also want to grow it because of its ease of planting.

Apply fertilizer and give your plant regular, thorough watering to keep it healthy. For a strong development, be sure to replace the potting at least once per year.

6. Stone Lotus Flower

Stone lotus flower is suitable for all interior design

The ideal option for a radiation-absorbing plant can easily fit on top of your work desk. The stone lotus blossom comes into play at this point.

The stone lotus flower, which is a succulent, has many characteristics in common with the cactus. However, the two species are biologically different.

These flowers are good at absorbing radiation. Even with a small size, its efficiency in this regard will impress you.

These beautiful succulents are small. They make a terrific practical decoration if you keep them on your workstation next to your laptop.

The stone lotus is quite simple to care for, like other succulents. It can thrive anywhere as long as there is a minimum quantity of sunlight because it needs little light and water to exist.

The plants can live in stones, given how well it holds onto water. As a result, you only need to water them every two to three days. Simply ensure there is some moisture around, and if not, provide it with some water.

7. Ivy

Ivy can purify the air well

Ivy is one of the best plants for absorbing radiation and EMF. Within 24 hours, about 90% of the benzene available in the surrounding air may take.

You may also have heard about how ivy can purify and significantly enhance the air quality by removing pollutants like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde.

You may grow ivy outdoors or indoors. Using it within the home is advisable to benefit from its ability to filter and remove radiation.

As long as you have a place that can offer the plant lots of strong light, ivy is simple to grow indoors. It thrives when planted next to wide windows on the south side.

Remember that ivy flourishes in semi-dry environments, so be careful not to overwater your plant. Before watering it again, ensure the top layer of soil is dry.

8. Mustard Greens

You can also use mustard greens for food

Another competent plant for fighting radiation is mustard greens. Their stunning aesthetics make them go well with your home’s interior design.

Mustard greens are also fantastic food items due to their high nutritional level. You can enjoy the plants’ nutritional solid profile while enhancing the flavor of your food.

Often, planters grow mustard greens outdoors and then transfer them to indoor pots. You’ll be surprised at how fast they can grow.

The best way to grow mustard greens is to fertilize them many times a year. Also, please keep them in a bright spot with partial shade.

Every week, the plants require around two inches of water. Therefore, as they develop, stick to a frequent watering schedule.

9. Fiddle Leaf

Fiddle leaves grow well in tropical climates

There hasn’t been any decisive proof that the fiddle leaf can fight radiation.

However, people have used it as a plant to block various forms of radiation and filter the air.

Fiddle leaves can thrive in tropical climates because of the water they retain in their leaves. This quality makes it effective in absorbing radiation.

For optimal safety, attempt to place the plants in your house between significant radiation sources, such as your Wi-Fi router, and living spaces, such as your workstation.

Fiddle leaves require a great deal of daylight. Also, remember to water them once per week properly, and wait until the top few inches of soil have dried before doing so again.

10. Sunflower

Try to grow sunflowers close to your house

Sunflowers are abundant in areas with high levels of radioactive releases. It has proven to have a remarkable capacity for radiation absorption while also eliminating air contaminants.

Sunflower seems to be more of an outdoor plant than an indoor species, unlike the other plants on our list. Ensure you plant it in the backyard and close to the windows to take full advantage of its radiation-fighting abilities.

Typically, gardens grow sunflowers from seeds. In shallow holes with sandy soil, space the plant seeds evenly. The spacing should be around six inches in depths up to two inches.

Sunflowers don’t need much care because they can endure drought, heat, and pests. But these plants are heavy feeders.

To promote healthy root development, you should add a little liquid fertilizer. Then, apply liquid fertilizer every month for the rest of the growing season.

How Do Plants Absorb EMFs?

Attenuation is normally stated when relating to an object’s capacity to absorb radiation and EMF. It refers to the slow force reduction when it travels through a substance. So here are a few cases of the symptom:

  • The bedroom’s walls dampen the sound.
  • Sunlight decreases because of your car’s tinted windows.
  • The jacket you wear for a dental visit can attenuate the X-ray.

Plants can have the same effect. High water content in the stems and leaves of the plants makes them particularly good at dampening radiation.

Other materials attenuate radiation far better than others. However, plants are easy-to-use and perform a good job of blocking radiation from EMF-generating equipment like Wi-Fi routers and PCs.


1. How can plants eliminate toxins?

Plants work as filters as they use the carbon dioxide in the air to create pure, breathing oxygen. Your houseplants may also absorb and filter radiation, resulting in clean air all around them.

According to the theories, live plants are an effective air purifier, eliminating pollutants like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

2. How many plants do I need to purify the air in a room?

According to a NASA study in 1989, you need 15 to 18 plants to sufficiently filter the air in a 1,800-square-foot area. Moreover, they advise growing each plant in a pot with a diameter of between six and eight inches.

3. Do plants reduce EMFs?

Yes. But you need to place your plants separated from the radiation-emitting equipment for them to be capable of absorbing radiation.

4. What is an unsafe EMF level?

Scientists advise restricting EMF exposure to values between 0.5 mG and 2.5 mG.

Your risk of electromagnetic-related diseases is modest at this rate, while the consequences may vary based on the level of electrosensitivity.

5. What are the symptoms of EMF radiation?

If you are exposed to EMF radiation for too long, you will have those symptoms:

  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Dysesthesia
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of concentration

Final Thoughts

The 10 indoor plants we have mentioned are good at fighting radiation and can enhance the beauty of your home.

Each species requires particular caring tips. Hence, learn about them carefully to yield the best outcome.

Hopefully, you will find this article helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you for reading!