Is AI Hard to Learn? 4 Steps to Pursue Artificial Intelligence

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Many people believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning as the future of everything because of their rapid growth. Many people even expect that AI robots can succeed where humans have failed.

Like all disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence introduces its own set of unexpected challenges, which is not for the impatient.

Is Artificial Intelligence Hard to Learn?

Yes, as one of the leading fields in technology today, artificial intelligence can be challenging to learn.

Proof that more than 90% of automation technologists admit that they feel inadequately prepared for the challenges in the future of smart machine technology.

In addition, companies and organizations also face difficulties and challenges when implementing AI for their operations.

One of the biggest challenges they face is the lack of skilled engineers. It is a significant problem for about 56% of companies today.

However, it is normal because artificial intelligence is inherently complex.

Artificial intelligence is hard to learn.

Some of the reasons this field is complicated are:

Data Proficiency

Unlike humans, machines need to receive a lot of data for learning to become proficient in certain activities and tasks.

If you are just starting to enter the world of AI, it is difficult for you to achieve it.

Extensive Programming

For this field, in-depth programming proficiency is essential. It requires you to have solid knowledge in coding to get computers to make their own decisions by programming them.


The field itself is very complex. In addition, it also involves many other complicated areas such as:

  • Computer science
  • Calculus
  • Statistics

Lack of Proper Tools

Most of the existing processes and tools in AI are for traditional software. So if you are a beginner, you can spend a lot of time and effort developing new tools.

How Long Does It Take You to Learn AI?

Don’t expect to master this field overnight.

The AI field is not something that you can learn overnight. It sure takes time.

Learning about AI is an endless road as the field evolves continuously. It may take you 5 to 6 months to master the foundational concepts, such as:

You may then have to spend more time absorbing advanced concepts, such as:

  • Unsupervised machine learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Deep learning

People pursuing artificial intelligence will have to complete a course or certificate in most cases. So the length of the program is also an essential factor in determining how long you will learn AI.

The Basic Path to Pursuit of AI

One factor that makes artificial intelligence complicated for beginners is that it is difficult to know where to begin.

The following are tips that allow newbies to hone their skills.

1. Build Foundation First

Whatever your expertise in AI, it is essential to build a solid common foundation. Here are some basic skills that you need to master:

  • Python: It is considered one of the popular languages in the field, and it is beneficial for simple tasks.
  • Statistics And Probability Theory: This knowledge will be beneficial for handling large data sets.
  • Machine Learning Basics: We recommend learning these basics before learning algorithms in artificial intelligence.
  • Calculus: Calculus is present in various artificial intelligence applications. In addition, familiarity with linear algebra is also recommended.

Here are other skills you need to build:

  • Handling a real-world problem
  • Natural language processing
  • Performing with new data or data structures
  • Debugging

You also need to master the following cognitive skills utilized in AI:

  • Learning: It indicates rule creation and data acquisition for shifting data into an actionable format.
  • Reasoning: Support logical inferences and decision-making.
  • Self-correction: Handling information correction & changes to enhance results.

Once you gain a solid foundation in this area, it is time to work on a simple project. It allows you to improve your skills and opens the door to new knowledge.

2. Use Free Resources

If you are just getting started in AI, spending several hundred dollars on premium resources is unnecessary.

Instead, it is possible to develop the necessary skills by taking advantage of free resources, such as e-books or YouTube videos.

It is alright to utilize online tutorials to learn about programming languages. Google also offers various free resources that help learn artificial intelligence.

The above resources are valid for both the novice and the seasoned. Once you’re ready to move on to the next step, you can pay to take a course to gain advanced AI knowledge.

3. Take a Course

By taking a course in machine learning, you will gain a stronger foundation in artificial intelligence. They teach you the skills for more advanced projects.

Through the courses, you will have the opportunity to exchange and interact with people who have the same passion and walk the same path as you.

4. Ask for Help

As mentioned above, artificial intelligence is a challenging field. Thus, don’t hesitate to learn and get help from anyone around you.

You can ask questions in several online communities, Reddit, Quora, or Facebook groups.

It is okay to get help from the people taking the course with you or even your teacher if you take a course.

How To Get Better at This Field?

Once you have known getting into AI and machine learning, it is time to talk about how to get better in the AI area.

Obtain A Mentor

A mentor will be responsible for answering your questions and guiding you. They will also give you feedback on your projects.

Practice On The Spare Time

Working on projects in your own time will allow you to understand better the concepts you receive and enhance your existing skills.

Participate in Competitions

We also recommend entering competitions that allow you to improve your AI skills. Kaggle competition is a good example.

Attend Events and Presentations

There are several events held each year to discuss the prospects of the AI field.

It is possible to meet professionals and experts at these conferences. They can give you some idea of what will happen in this field in the coming years.


Now you have reached the end of our article. Overall, AI is hard to learn. So, do not expect success in this area overnight. Hopefully, this article is helpful to you.

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